Sunday, May 02, 2010

Mariela Abigail Pritchard

In the April 2010 Home Teaching message, President Dieter F. Uchtdorf, spoke of listening to promptings and acting upon those promptings. He told the story of Solomon Chamberlain who, in 1816, had a dream in which he was told that he would live to see the restoration of the Lord’s gospel upon the earth. In 1830, Solomon was traveling by boat down the Erie Cannel to Canada on business. When the boat stopped at Palmyra, NY, he was prompted to get off the boat. He did. While visiting with the townsfolk, he learned of a man named Joseph Smith and his gold bible. Solomon says that when he heard the words “gold bible”, the words sent “a power like electricity [that] went from the top of my head to the end of my toes.” He met Joseph Smith and left Palmyra with 96 unbound pages of The Book of Mormon. He traveled to Canada, using the manuscript to teach of the restored Gospel. Solomon was present on that day when the Church was organized on April 6, 1830. Solomon had a prompting and acted upon it and received great blessings in his life.

I am thankful for promptings. This week has been a very special one for me as a father and grandfather because my son followed promptings given to him. Eighteen months ago a story ran in the local newspapers of a 2 month old baby girl who had been admitted to a local hospital with 9 broken bones. Her parents were in jail because of the abuse of her father. My son, Brett, an attorney heard of this case and was prompted to talk to his wife, Cindy, and see if they could get this baby. They have 5 of their own children, the youngest just one day younger than the foster baby. He spoke to the judge, and they were awarded temporary custody of this baby. This was unusual since they had not been to the certification training for foster parents. After a few days in the hospital, Mariela was released and came into their home. This baby was not an easy baby because she was not only abused and broken; she was also a “special needs” child, having a severe form of mental retardation. Following several months of having the baby in their home, Brett was prompted again that the baby should go to her family – not her parents, but an aunt and uncle. I remember the day she left their home and how Brett sobbed and sobbed. As I recall, so did we. But it was the right thing.

After just a few weeks it became obvious that the aunt and uncle could not care for the baby, and the judge ordered the baby to be placed back in the full time care of Brett and Cindy. Now they not only had her, they now wanted to adopt her. But a battle was about to ensue. Though the father had already given up his parental rights, the mother had not and the possibility loomed that when she was released from jail, she would be deported back to Mexico because she was here illegally, and take Mariela with her. Brett asked the family to fast for Mariela and his family. A few days later, we heard that the mother might give up her rights. And a sometime later, she did.

On Friday, April 30, 2010, in the District Court building in Bell County, Texas, Mariela Ruby Arismendez was adopted by Brett and Cindy. Along with her adoption came her new name, Mariela Abigail Pritchard. In the eighteen months that this baby has been in the family, she has taught us a very important life lesson – to love unconditionally. Though this baby will never walk or run, never talk or do things normal children do, she had given us a great and lasting gift. My congratulations to Brett, Cindy, Brandon, Rebekah, Rachel, Austin and Eathyn… and especially to Mariela. We love you all and the Lord has blessed you beyond your greatest dreams. Thankfully, you followed the prompting.